Courtney Garza
Social Media Handles:
Dallas, TX
Media Development Manager
Dream Occupation:
Vegan Business Owner
Which bag are you carrying?
"Wink Emoji" Crossbody
What's in your Cykochik bag?
1. Hot Cocoa Flavored Crazy Rumors chapstick
2. Debit card and ID
3. Car and house keys
4. Kubaton
5. Phone
Not pictured are sunglasses and gloves.
What can't you leave home without?
Chapstick and water!
What's the most surprising thing you carry?
A kubaton (for self-defense-it was a gift)
What do you absolutely love about your Cykochik bags?
That it's vegan! It's such an honor when I get compliments on the bag (which happens so often since it's so cute and unique!) to be able to say that it's made out of vegan leather and is 100% cruelty free, locally made, and run by a rockstar female entrepreneur! Not to mention the efficient size of the bag and how it manages to go with just about any outfit!
Do you have anything exciting/fun planned?
Yes! As I'm working towards my dream to become a female vegan business owner with my amazing boyfriend, we are in the process of growing our new event planning company called The Harvest Hands. Our mission is to sow into the growth of a more compassionate culture by introducing people to choices that cause less harm. We do this through cultivating an array of social events, partnerships and other experience based endeavors. Our ultimate yield will be the expansion and realization of a more connected and equal community, both local and global. We are in the process of growing our brand image to let the community know, both vegan and non-vegan alike, that we're building these experiences to invite a new lifestyle by meeting people where they are and helping them in any way that we can.
Keep up with our Facebook page for updates, videos, and events!
If you'd like to share what's in your Cykochik bag, please submit this form for review.
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