What's in Caroline Blaha-Black's Cykochik Custom Vegan Handbag?

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What's in Caroline Blaha-Black's Cykochik Custom Vegan Handbag?

Caroline Blaha-Black

Denton, TX

lab tech

Dream Occupation:
well-paid writer

Which bag are you carrying?
"Vanguard Bots" Mini Robot Handbag by NYC artist Terris Poole

What's in your Cykochik bag?
1) Keys
2) Squirrel pen
3) Pink wallet
4) Bird planner
5) Phone
6) Lipstick & lip balm
7) Mirror with ships on it

What can't you leave home without? 

What's the most surprising thing you carry?
My planner and the squirrel pen!

What do you absolutely love about your Cykochik bags?
It has a robot face on it!

Do you have anything exciting/fun planned?
I'm planning to take my Vanguard Bots purse on my latest trip to Washington!

If you'd like to share what's in your Cykochik bag, please submit this form for review.


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