What's in Kate Kemp's Cykochik Custom Handbag?

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Kate Kemp

Dallas, TX


Concept Director

Dream Occupation:
Travel Writer

Which Cykochik bag are you carrying?
"Roots of Creation" tote design by Dallas artist Kevin Obregon

What's in your Cykochik bag?
1) Wallet
2) Passport
3) Sunglasses
4) Beauty essentials including the brilliant D-Fuzz-It fabric comb (Thanks, MOC!) and DynTek flossers
5) Comp Book with Blue LePen (someone stole my black ones.)
6) iPhone
7) Mace
8) DART Annual Pass
9) Tissues
10) Keys with flashlight
11) Robot ear bud holder
12) eGo-T electronic cigarette refill kit with Strawberry Cheesecake flavored juice from Oak Cliff Vape Apothecary

What can't you leave home without?
My phone

What's the most surprising thing you carry?
Probably the Mace. It may be pink, but I'm sure it still packs a punch. I haven't had to use it ... yet.

What do you absolutely love about your Cykochik bag?
It's a fashionable way to support local artists and a great conversation starter.


If you'd like to share what's in your Cykochik bag, please submit this form for review. 

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