I’ve got a dad that has such a big heart, he somehow manages to extend it to all of my 8 brothers and sisters, and me. It’s funny for me to think sometime how I am the oldest of 9 kids and how calm and strong my dad is all of the time. It truly is amazing and I couldn’t be more happy to have him as my dad. 😃
That’s why, this Father’s Day, I want to make sure I am giving back to him in one of the ways I know he will love: through food! 😉My dad created his career in the restaurant industry, so believe it or not, I grew up with him cooking more than my mom! He made me appreciate food and the whole atmosphere of the restaurant and overall dining experience more than I ever knew possible. I would always tag along with him on his restaurant hoping adventures and watch as he would create fun food concepts for the masses to enjoy.
So, I am a foodie by trade and know what to look for when dining out. Though my dad isn’t vegan, he definitely appreciates a quality meal, i.e. nachos from Spiral Diner:
Clearly, Spiral’s Father’s Day brunch is a MUST this Sunday if you’re looking to show dad a hearty meal to kick off his day! I mean, Buffalo Blue Pancakes that are topped with breaded soy chik’n strips covered in spicy buffalo sauce?! Yeah, dad would appreciate that. They even have a little bit of cream cheese on top and a spicy-sweet Agave Buffalo Sauce. Um yeah, pretty sure my dad would be into that.
But there’s also V-Eats that is definitely not to be passed by, especially with their Father’s Day only special of the Country Fried Steak & Eggs Sandwich…. I mean, could you get any manlier than that? Yeah, it was obviously built for a dad with a substantial appetite, a.ka. my dad!
My dad’s one true love though is some authentic Mexican food. So there really isn’t any other contender than El Palote. Their [vegan] BBQ sandwich alone is great enough to stand against any other.
“real meat” version. I mean, look at this beauty. I want one right now just looking at it…
That being said, with my appetite and my dad’s combined, I don’t really see why we couldn’t make all three happen in one day. 😉 Hey, we’ve also got 7 other mouths to feed with my whole crew of siblings!
Stay tuned to my posts on my social media pages to what we end up diving into that day! 😃
I hope no matter where you end up deciding to take your dad out to this Sunday, that he will see that vegan food in Dallas is not hard to come by, but it’s also insanely delicious and surprisingly pretty manly too. 😉
From me, my dad, and my little baby brother Rendon here, Happy Father’s Day!
xx Courtney Garza
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