Cykochik at Texas VegFest in Austin, TX
Saturday April 4, 2015 - We kicked off our Spring VegFest tour with a road trip down to Austin, TX for the 4th annual Texas VegFest! It was a fun-filled day unveiling our new Artist Series 4 Collection, meeting new veg friends/fans and hanging out with old friends from Dallas (The Humane League, V Apparel, Kick Butt Boots, Reverie Bakeshop), Austin, and around the country. There were educational lectures, cooking demonstrations, amazing vegan food, craft beer, and live music. All for a healthier, more compassionate and sustainable world. We can't wait to be back for next year's 5th VegFest!

The best part of our trip was a stop at the Austin Zoo & Animal Sanctuary, a non-profit organization that rescues and rehabilitates animals since 1990. Just being in the presence of these gentle and majestic domestic and exotic beings is humbling. Unfortunate circumstances have brought them to the sanctuary but fortunately they are the very few who are saved, loved, and cared for.
Their mission is to assist animals in need, through rescue, rehabilitation, and education. Please consider supporting the work the sanctuary is doing by donating or visiting them. They were robbed last year - can you believe it??
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