What's in Kasia Koenig's Cykochik Custom Handbag?

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Kasia Koenig

Plano, TX

Business Analyst

Dream Occupation:
National Geographic photographer

Which Cykochik bag are you carrying?
"10-Speed" large tote, design by Berkeley artist Michelle White
Mini "Vanguard Bots" bag, design by NYC artist Terris Poole

What's in your Cykochik bag?
1) Mini Vanguard Bot bag
2) Toothbrush, toothpaste
3) Notebook
4) Headphones
5) Apple
6) Sunglasses
7) Hand lotion
8) Keys
9) Money
10) Pen
11) Water bottle
Not pictured: Phone, wallet, gum, makeup, tea

What can't you leave home without?
Car keys and sunglasses

What's the most surprising thing you carry?

What do you absolutely love about your Cykochik bag?
Custom made back pockets!


If you'd like to be featured and share what's in your Cykochik bag, please submit this form for review. 

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