Cykochik Compassionate Citizen - Kat Mendenhall

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Cykochik Compassionate Citizen - Kat Mendenhall

Kat Mendenhall 

Founder/Owner of Kat Mendenhall, Vegan Activist, Vegan Coach, Vegan Cook, Owner @ MendRT, Vegan Retail Therapy
Dallas, TX

Facebook @kickbuttboots  Instagram @katmendenhallboots @katmossmendenhall Twitter @KickButtVegan

What is your favorite quote or mantra?
"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined." Henry Fosdick

What are some must-read books that have inspired/changed you? Why?
If Women Rose Rooted, By Sharon Blackie - gets me back to my soul when I get distracted by our over modernized world. Trails of the Earth, by Mary Mann Hamilton - this autobiography will inspire you to have the grit to move forward in the most harrowing circumstances. Sum It Up, by Pat Summitt - Pat was a trailblazer in so many areas of her life, her story is one I often think of when I hear the words no.

Do you have any films that have inspired/changed you? Why?
Remember the Titans and We Are Marshall, both of these movie deal with overcoming obstacles with hard work and patience, not violence. We could use some of that today.

Who/what inspires you? Why?
The selfless individuals who are constantly working on the behalf of animals everywhere. It takes a village and my hope is I will live to see the day where we no longer subject animals to inhumane and cruel practices. All beings matter.

What are some of your advice/tips for being a Compassionate Citizen?
Do the best you can to make the most conscious compassionate decision you can at any given moment. Consider, will that decision bring suffering to others, does it support cruelty to animals, and does it contribute to the destruction of our environment. This requires us to stop and listen to our inner voice, which will guide us in the right direction when we become aware of the connection to all things.

What are you currently working on?
Two projects, an online workshop on turning your passion into profit, and a new product offering soon to be launched.

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