Cykochik Compassionate Citizen - Alexandria Beck

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Cykochik Compassionate Citizen - Alexandria Beck

Alexandria Beck 

The Humane League's Denver Office Director
Superior, CO

 @alexandria.k.beck  @alexandria_kaye

What is your favorite quote or mantra?
The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but rather, "Can they suffer?" -Jeremy Bentham

What are some must-read books that have inspired/changed you? Why?
Change of Heart by Nick Cooney examines scientific literature regarding social change. This is a must read if you're interested in advocacy tactics that deliver maximum impact. 

The Animal Activist's Handbook by Matt Ball and Bruce Friedrich is a super quick, fun read that tells you everything you need to know about being the most effective advocate for animals!

Who/what inspires you? Why?
My friends and colleagues at The Humane League inspire me every day. They're genuinely awesome people who are making the world a more compassionate place. 

My parents also inspire me by being so generous, supportive, and fun. Even in our busy, fast-paced world, they're able to find time for the most important things in life.

What are some of your advice or tips for being a Compassionate Citizen?
Always encourage positive change, no matter how small, and never criticize anyone who is genuinely trying. Be optimistic and lead by example. Getting involved in effective activism is always a good decision. Volunteer with The Humane League, Vegan Outreach, Mercy For Animals, or your favorite local group. If you don't have a group to volunteer with, order leaflets and pass them out at concerts or busy street corners. It's that simple :)  

What are you currently working on?
Building a community of compassionate people in the Denver area and making sure our newest Humane League office is off to a great start!

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